- Jui 2010 - Sep 2011
- Math instructor at SSCC Tripoli (college des soeurs des saints coeurs)
- Teacher Trainer: computer use and utility in the new math methodology, the use of the Matlab software
- Sep 2009 - June 2010
Math Instructor at Marist Brothers High School (Amchit - Jbeil) and the Sisters of the Sacred Hearts HighSchool(Tripoli).
- Sep 2008 - Jul 2009
Math Instructor (secondary classes: 1S, 2S, 3S + EB8) - High School Apostles (Cadmous - Tyr)
- June 2008 au Jan 2009
IT Manager Apostles (Cadmous - Tyr)
- 06/2003-06/2008
Technical Operator At the United Nations International Labor Conferences (UN - ILO Geneva Switzerland) during the months of June.
- 09/2005-05/2008
Private Math lessons with Acadomia et Kelprof (Isère and Savoie - FRANCE)
- 05/2006-05/2008
Websites Development for companies (teexma.com and homediag.fr (France), cadmous.edu.lb (Lebanon), ...)
- Avril et Mai 2009:
Création de CMS pour Joomla et mise en place du site web international de Teexma. Fontaine (Fr).
- Sep 2007 -> Mai 2008:
TER Loi de groupe sur les courbes elliptiques - équation de Weierstrass et application à la Cryptographie (UJF & INPG Grenoble 1 FRANCE).
- Oct. 2008 :
ADS Sécurité & secourisme (CQP/APS) & SST
Lissieu Lyon, France.
- Juin. 2006 :
Interpolation et approximation - Traitement d’images (UJF & INPG Grenoble 1 FRANCE).
- Oct. 2003:
Operateur aux Nations Unies (ONU) Genève, Suisse
Master Mathematics
(Cryptography mention) (2008)
Université Joseph Fourier (Grenoble 1, France)
- Functional Analysis, Algebra and modules
- Probability, Stochastic Processes, Holomorphic Functions, Approximation.
- Cryptography, Calcul formel
- C, C++, Java programming
Bachelor Mathematics (2006)
Université Joseph Fourier (Grenoble1, France)
- Math: Probability and Statistics, Numerical methods, calculation(Differentiation, Integration, Arithmetic), Differential Equations, Algebra, Geometry, Topology.
- Mathematical Programming: Maple,
Matlab, Latex (interface).
DEUG MIAS (2005)
(Math and applied math on computer science)
Université Joseph Fourier (Grenoble1, France)
- Math: Algebra, Analysis
- Algorithms & Langage C, Camel
- Physics: Electromagnetic, Mechanics, Thermodynamics
- Einstein Relativity
- ...
Lebanese Baccalaureate Scientific Section (2003)
Collège des Soeurs des Saints coeurs (Batroun, Liban)
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- Fluently French, English and Arabic.
- Basic knowledge of German and Russian.
- Software development using Java, Objective-C, VB and QT C++
- Website development
- Administration :LINUX & WINDOWS
- Basketball, Football, Tennis.
- Particular interest to the design and the C++ programming.
- Craft: Strong experience in masonry, gardening, ...